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2012 July - Sept

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This CD draws together melodies and dances from around 1284, to give a musical account of Hamelin’s legendary Pied Piper. The music itself is intriguing and, although it doesn’t vary much throughout the disc, really captures the imagination of the listener. The performers, three in all, manage between them to cover a range of medieval transverse flutes, vielle, zither, lute and percussion. Norbert Rodenkirchen’s flute playing in particular is as beguiling as ...


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Hameln Anno 1284 – Auf den Spuren des Rattenfaengers
Medieval Flute Music on the trail of the Pied Piper
Norbert Rodenkirchen (Medieval Transverse Flutes), Giuseppe Paolo Cecere (Vielle, Zither, Lute)
Wolfgang Reithofer (Percussion)
(Christophorus CHR 77359) 54’30’’
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